Top 3 Reasons to See an ADHD Specialist

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that makes it difficult for someone to properly focus or control certain behaviors. While its severity has a wide range, ADHD can be a difficult disorder to deal with on any level. Fortunately, there are specialists that can help.

The question most people have is, when is the right time to seek the help of an ADHD specialist, if at all? To help answer these questions, Carolina Attention Specialists have a list of reasons why anyone dealing with ADHD should seek a specialist for treatment.

The Effects of Untreated ADHD

Without the proper treatment, ADHD can have negative effects on many areas of your life. It can interfere with your work life, it can prevent a child from succeeding in school, and it can put strain on a relationship. Along with that, sufferers of untreated ADHD can experience additional stress from the disorder, which could lead to more serious problems such as self-esteem issues, anxiety, and more.

Working with Leading Experts

Despite their good intentions, a primary care physician isn’t always able to help on the same level an ADHD specialist can. The reason for this comes down to experience. A basic physician may deal with the occasional case of ADHD here and there, but an ADHD specialist deals with these cases every day. In addition to that, it may be difficult for a non-expert to properly diagnose a case of ADHD, which could delay the right kind of treatment. To truly help with ADHD, you need an expert who understands the disorder inside and out, which is where the specialists come in with their knowledge base and experience. By seeing an ADHD specialist, you know you’ll be receiving the most advanced treatment available.

Individualized Treatment Plans

When it comes down to it, we’re all different, and not everyone suffers from ADHD the same way. That means there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, which means there needs to be an individualized plan for each patient. Because ADHD specialists understand the disorder so well, they know which treatment option will work best for each individual.

The right help is out there for anyone dealing with ADHD. To receive more information on ADHD treatment in the Greensboro, North Carolina, area, contact Carolina Attention Specialists and get started today!

Top 3 Reasons to See an ADHD Specialist

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that makes it difficult for someone to properly focus or control certain behaviors. While its severity has a wide range, ADHD can be a difficult disorder to deal with on any level. Fortunately, there are specialists that can help.

The question most people have is, when is the right time to seek the help of an ADHD specialist, if at all? To help answer these questions, Carolina Attention Specialists have a list of reasons why anyone dealing with ADHD should seek a specialist for treatment.

The Effects of Untreated ADHD

Without the proper treatment, ADHD can have negative effects on many areas of your life. It can interfere with your work life, it can prevent a child from succeeding in school, and it can put strain on a relationship. Along with that, sufferers of untreated ADHD can experience additional stress from the disorder, which could lead to more serious problems such as self-esteem issues, anxiety, and more.

Working with Leading Experts

Despite their good intentions, a primary care physician isn’t always able to help on the same level an ADHD specialist can. The reason for this comes down to experience. A basic physician may deal with the occasional case of ADHD here and there, but an ADHD specialist deals with these cases every day. In addition to that, it may be difficult for a non-expert to properly diagnose a case of ADHD, which could delay the right kind of treatment. To truly help with ADHD, you need an expert who understands the disorder inside and out, which is where the specialists come in with their knowledge base and experience. By seeing an ADHD specialist, you know you’ll be receiving the most advanced treatment available.

Individualized Treatment Plans

When it comes down to it, we’re all different, and not everyone suffers from ADHD the same way. That means there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, which means there needs to be an individualized plan for each patient. Because ADHD specialists understand the disorder so well, they know which treatment option will work best for each individual.

The right help is out there for anyone dealing with ADHD. To receive more information on ADHD treatment in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area, contact Carolina Attention Specialists and get started today!

Nutrition Prescription for ADHD

Why has ADHD become more commonly diagnosed?

There is evidence that diagnosis has significantly improved over the last 10-20 years. Still, many patients and parents ask:
“Is there anything I can do to improve my/my child’s ADHD symptoms in addition to medication?”
The answer is yes! While medication is the first line of treatment for ADHD, lifestyle and dietary changes can also have a substantial impact on behavior and brain health.

Certain nutrients are known to play a role in brain imbalances linked to conditions like Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism. Incorporating these key nutrients into 1-2 meals a day can be beneficial.

- Magnesium, zinc, iron, and selenium are minerals vital for the synthesis and regulation of neurotransmitters that affect emotions and behavior. A diet rich in whole foods, especially colorful vegetables, can usually meet these mineral needs, but picky eaters might benefit from a multivitamin. Where possible, opt for organic produce, using guides like the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen to prioritize your purchases.

- B-vitamins, particularly B6, are crucial for brain signaling. Foods like fish, garbanzo beans, sunflower seeds, pistachios, poultry, potatoes, and non-citrus fruits (e.g., bananas, prunes) are excellent sources. A well-rounded diet typically provides sufficient B6, so supplementation is usually unnecessary unless there’s long-term prescription drug use.

- Omega-3 fatty acids are well-studied for their role in neurological development and function, which is fitting since the brain is 70% fat! Foods such as avocados, olives, salmon, grass-fed beef, and free-range eggs are great sources of healthy fats. However, Omega-3s can be harder to get through diet alone, especially for children, so a supplement might be needed. Be sure to choose a quality brand, as Omega-3 supplements can be contaminated.

- The gut-brain axis highlights the strong connection between gut and brain health. Gut flora imbalances from stress, excess sugar, or antibiotic use can negatively affect brain function. Fermented foods like kombucha, raw sauerkraut, and yogurt support healthy gut bacteria, but a probiotic supplement may be helpful in some cases.

- Heavy metal exposure has been linked to lower IQ, impaired cognitive development, and neurological issues. If exposure to metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, or arsenic is suspected, testing may be beneficial.

In summary, a diet that supports brain health should be based on whole foods and rich in antioxidants from colorful plant foods. Aim to minimize toxin exposure from additives, pesticides, trans fats (hydrogenated oils), and preservatives. Consider evaluating for deficiencies in magnesium, B6, zinc, tyrosine, selenium, and iron. Discuss with your provider whether a probiotic is right for you if you have signs of gut imbalance. If these changes aren’t enough to improve mood and focus, food and chemical sensitivity testing could provide a more personalized dietary approach.

Nutrition Prescription for ADHD

Why has ADHD become an increasingly common disorder? There is evidence that diagnosis of the disorder has improved over the last 10-20 years. However, many patients and parents still wonder: “Is there anything I can do to improve my/my child’s ADHD symptoms in addition to medicine?” The answer is yes! Medication is considered the first line of treatment therapy for ADHD, but it is also true that lifestyle and diet modifications can make a significant impact on behavior and brain health.

There are several common nutrients involved with several brain imbalances such as Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism. Aim to incorporate the following key nutrients into at least 1-2 meals per day.

Magnesium, zinc, iron, and selenium are minerals which are crucial to the synthesis and mobilization of certain neurotransmitters that trigger emotional and behavior responses. A whole-foods diet with an emphasis on colorful vegetables can usually meet the body’s mineral requirements, but picky eaters may benefit from a multivitamin. Buy organic produce as your budget allows; use the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen to guide you in buying organic where it matters most.

B-vitamins, especially B6, are similarly involved in facilitating brain signaling. Sources of B6 include: fish, garbanzo beans, sunflower seeds, pistachios, poultry, whole potatoes, and non-citrus fruits (bananas, prunes). A nutritious diet can easily provide more than enough B6, so supplementation isn’t usually necessary except in the case of long-term prescription drug use.

Omega-3 fatty acids are well researched in terms of their association with neurological development and function. This makes sense as the brain is composed of 70% fat! Avocado, olives, salmon, grass-fed beef and pastured, free-range eggs are excellent sources of healthy fats. However, Omega 3 fats can be harder for some, especially children, to obtain through diet, so a supplement may be required. Ask for a brand recommendation, as Omega 3 oils are commonly contaminated.

A close connection has also been discovered between gut and brain function, called the ‘gut-brain axis.’ Essentially, a gut flora imbalance caused by stress, excess sugar, and/or antibiotic use may negatively impact brain health. Cultured foods such as kombucha, raw sauerkraut, and yogurt support healthy bacterial growth and diversity, but in some cases, a probiotic supplement may be beneficial.

Heavy metal exposure is strongly associated with lower IQ, reduced cognitive development, and neurological impairment. Therefore, testing for toxic levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic may be beneficial in some cases where heavy metal exposure is suspected.

In summary, the ideal diet for brain health is whole-foods based, and high in antioxidants from colorful plant foods. Minimize your toxin load from additives, pesticides, trans fats (hydrogenated oils), and preservatives. Evaluate for common deficiencies like magnesium, B6, zinc, tyrosine, selenium, and iron. Ask about a probiotic if you have signs of gut imbalance. If these ideas aren’t enough to improve mood and focus, consider food and chemical sensitivity testing for a more personalized diet.

Summer Vacation and ADHD Medications?

Should my child continue taking ADHD medications during summer break?

The answer isn't straightforward!

While school may take a summer break, ADHD does not.

There is a small group of ADHD patients for whom a summer medication break or a dose reduction might be appropriate:

It's important for families to discuss summer plans with their child's ADHD physician each spring. Together, you can create a tailored summer ADHD management plan, ensuring your child has the safest and most enjoyable summer possible!

— Dr. Emily Thompson

Summer Vacation and ADHD Medications?

End of the school year brings a common question from parents:
“Does my child need to take ADHD medications since he/she is out of school?”
The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no!

While the school year does take summer vacation, ADHD does not.

• ADHD symptoms are not limited to the inability to pay attention and perform well on school tasks. Other symptoms include impulsivity, difficulty controlling emotions, disorganization, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and difficulty with functioning well without a structured routine.
• For teenagers who are driving or caring for others as part of a summer job (lifeguard, babysitter, camp counselor, etc.) I strongly recommend continuing ADHD medications over the summer, as inattention and impulsivity may result in serious injury to themselves or others.
• Many ADHD symptoms also may make summer family life and vacations more difficult and stressful for an ADHD child and their family.
• A child’s social skills off medications can be 2-3 years younger than actual age, possibly making positive interactions with their peers at summer camp more difficult.

There is a very small group of ADHD patients that a summer medication vacation or decrease in medication dose may be medically needed:
• Those who have significant weight loss issues on medication.
• If there are questions as to whether medication is needed, summer time is a good time for a short trial off medication.

I encourage families to have a discussion with their child’s ADHD physician each spring about your summer plans. A plan for summer time ADHD management can be customized for your child, with the goal of the most enjoyable and safe summer possible!

– Dr. Emily Thompson